Monday, November 10, 2014


With the advent of new government, a new wave of reform has swept the nation. Clean India aka Swaach Bharat is one of its many refining actions towards a better society and nation.
We Indians have taken this as an opportunity for publicity and screen time involvement on the media front. Whether on the digital media or in the print media, celebrities and shown holding brooms and cleaning equipment urging the common man to act, trying to awaken the conscience of his towards a cleaner nation. This all seems to be working if only for now, long term results are yet to be realized.

But what is way much clear is the daily footage one can receive from the simple act of holding a broom and sweeping the street. What I often wonder is that does one sweep, one day activity, is all it takes to clear the nation of its dirt! What we need is a clear conscience, a general social awareness lookup, to bring our nation back to its glory. Needless to say, we need action plan and action implementation to work our nation onto the pinnacles of success.

With Business tycoons and all upper strata of society holding brooms on street this is pretty evident that WE ALL WANT A CLEAN INDIA. But is it all that needs to be done. Something is missing I guess.Cleaning on the name of swacch bharat abhiyan has become the dirty business. People are seen with a big broom in their hand, with media around, sweeping CLEAN GARBAGE. If you even take a broom on your living room floor or any part of your home, you will end up with some dirt on your feet or clothes,, your hairs will be messed up and you will end up having dirt on your selves.
But there are certain politicians, actors some business tycoons, wearing designer outfits and kurtas with the whiteness of Surf Excel wash, dhotis…happily sweeping and conditioning the roads, with their fashionable persona maintained. To clear dirt, you will have to besmirch your hands. Shed your designer clothes, for khadi, lose your shell of beau monde and will have to work together for a nation we aspire, we truly deserve.

In many cities municipal corporation employees are armed with brooms, sweeping dust every morning… and which settles on the same place again. Nothing useful done.

If we do not really act on Clean India campaign and just follow it for sake of society, cleaning on the name of swacch bharat abhiyan will become a dirty business. It has been said, Charity begins at Home… Let us start cleaning our nation from its very smallest unit our home.

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