Monday, November 24, 2014

Energy Bars for Cycling

Energy bars are fantastic fuel for cycling. But if you want to make your own, here is a simple trick I use to make them.  My energy bar is based on oats, reason I use oats is simple. It has slow release carbohydrates, which are really good for long cycle rides. They have got good proportion of protein and fats. Also they are kind of robust, so they travel really well.

So let us begin by making a mixture which shall bind our energy bar together. Below is the list of ingredients required for the act.

Sesame Seeds - 25g / 2 tbsp
Sunflower Seeds - 25g / 2 tbsp
Flaked Almonds - 50g / 1/2 cup
Sultanas - 50g / 1/2 cup
Chopped Dates - 50g / 1/2 cup
Oats/Oatmeal - 225g / 8 oz

Here is how they look, once complete:

1. Take some sunflower oil and heat it in a pan, the reason I take Sunflower oil is it is primarily tasteless and is more gelatinous than others, but it can vary from person to person, and you can use any oil you want.
2. To add sweetness to the bar, put soft brown sugar, I also put 2 tablespoon of golden syrup and honey to make it healthy and mega sweet. Golden Syrup is really sticky so it binds the bars really well. Mix well, all these and stir well on low heat. After say about 5 minutes, add 2 tablespoon of peanut butter, which shall become the base of energy bar, if you like you can add some vanilla extract here, for taste.
3. Start adding sultanas, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, flaked almonds and do add some chopped dates. These all ingredients are great source of energy and actually bind really well, hence making up into a robust energy bar.
4. Keep mixing the mixture and after a while start adding oats, add around 200 grams of oats and mix them well, heat them on low gas and when they form a stiff and sturdy mixture, take them off the gas.
5. Once you take them of the gas, put them in an Owen container, to a baking tin lined with parchment. and press them really well (I used a metal fork to press them). Put it at 180 Celsius that is about 350 Fahrenheit for about 12 minutes. Make sure the top is golden brown after completion.
6. Once they are done take them out and cool them a bit, once at amiable temperature, cut them into the rectangular bar sizes and pack them for your cycle ride.

Try and eat one every hour, while cycling it is very important to maintain your blood sugar level, they will help you a lot in this. I have used these on a number of occasions. From a day long rides to long expeditions lasting 10 days and so. Best thing they hold well in hot and humid conditions and if the quality of the raw materials is good, they hold really well for 3-4 days. Feeding you at times when you are totally marooned.

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