Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Communication is a skill that you can learn. it’s like riding a bicycle or typing. if you are willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.
So here a boom in communication field has been developed by bambootec , a consortium from yucatan.
Researchers have designed a bamboo cycle that converts kinetic energy generated by pedaling into source of electricity.
This electricity can serve to recharge mobile devices, power a smartphone's external battery, and even keep a navigation dashboard that measures the time and distance of the ride operational.
There is a converter in-built in the bicycle which is made of a circuit and it transfers energy to recharge the devices.

The converter starts on the rim, captures the generated kinetic energy and then converts it into electricity

After passing through the core of the system located under the seat, which purpose is to regulate the voltage generated and prevent discharges, said Cristina Espinosa Lopez, founder of Bambootec.

While pedalling, energy is produced by the cyclist which gets converted to electricity. If the process is followed on a irregular basis, or if unnecessary braking is applied, then the load rises and drops down. That's why a regulator has been added to the converter to solve this issue.

In addition to the power converter system, the bicycle has a frame (vertices and edges) assembled with bamboo sticks connected by a special resin. The aim was to replace metal parts for this natural material in order to provide the vehicle with greater resistance (supports 120 kilos), also making it lighter and less prone to heat, explained the founder of Bambootec..

Once the converter regulates the energy charge, it is transmitted through three channels of power, which are cables with USB outputs. One is connected to the navigation screen located on the handlebars of the bicycle, which indicates the number of kilometers and time passed, and provides the option to establish a connection via Bluetooth to link to a smartphone.
The other terminal power converter recharges any mobile device, while the third one is exclusive to recharge external smartphone batteries.The generated by the bicycle (over 10 volts) is enough to feed the three tracks.

Currently, bicycle testing have shown that the charge capacity for the devices is of one percent per minute. It is required to optimise the system in order to accelerate the charging process.
But on the other side of coin, this bicycle is not yet available for purchase.

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