Friday, January 30, 2015


Team of polish engineers has created a compact pc which fits in a small mouse.we already have smartphones in the market which actually fulfill the need of tech support, but here is a small mouse which meets the need of entire PC
Ye it is true..
Przemyslaw Strzelczyk, a software engineer at Nokia Networks, calls his invention, "The Mouse-Box."

"Mouse-Box", a wireless gadget that packs a 1.4 GHz quad-core ARM processor, a micro-HDMI port, WiFi up to 802.11n, accelerometer, gyroscope, two USB 3.0 ports and 128 GB storage space into a mouse. The only extra hardware needed is a monitor.

  MOUSE BOX charges wirelessly on an inductive charging pad that also serves double duty as a standard mouse pad. you can hook it up to your laptop or desktop and use it as a typical mouse, or tap into its guts and use it as a PC. You can also take advantage of both functions at the same time.

 MOUSE BOX comes with built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, and charges wirelessly using an inductive charging mat that doubles up as a mouse pad. This means the device would never run out of battery. However, the hardware also includes space for an optional battery.

The HDMI port is the key part of the device that will help users connect the Mouse-Box to a nearby monitor. The device could theoretically be loaded up with any operating system of your choice. At home, the Mouse Box will behave just like any other mouse, and outside, you just need to hook-up to a monitor.

Strzelczyk and his Mouse-Box team say  that The Mouse-Box is currently at the prototype stage and its makers are looking for funding to bring it to production, but they're also working to build a wireless mouse pad charger. The team has not set a price yet, but they say it will be "very cheap" and available globally.

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