Everyone out there who
leaves their camera set on full automatic, raise your hands. Automatic is great while
you're learning your camera, and I frequently recommend it to people who want
to step up to a dSLR but are too intimidated by all the settings on the camera.
But like any crutch, ultimately you're better off without it. Here's some
guidance about all those other modes you could be shooting in.
If you're frequently
unhappy with your photos shot in Auto, it's time to substitute some of the
camera's decisions with your own. Auto can only guess that you're shooting
sports, but you know. Why leave it to chance? Choosing from these
modes is the way you provide important information to the camera to help it
make better decisions. Yes, it'd be nice if the camera could just take perfect
pictures without any thought on your part, but most technology simply isn't
that smart yet. I'll start with some
basic terms, then move to the core shooting modes -- ones that have been around
forever and that you really should try (if your camera has them) when you're
ready to take control of your photography. If you're not ready for these, then
jump below to Typical scene program modes andLess-common
scene modes.
Basic terms and concepts
Shutter refers to the mechanical or electronic
control that allows light to hit the sensor, and therefore is responsible for
the duration of the exposure. A fast shutter speed (higher number) stops action
and a slow shutter speed (lower number) shows motion; slow shutter speeds will
show camera shake, as well. Aperture refers to the opening through which the
light travels before it hits the sensor. A wide aperture (lower number) lets in
more light and yields a blurrier background, while a narrow aperture (higher
number) lets in less light and yields a sharper background.
compensation lets you increase
or decrease the overall brightness of an image. The camera does this by
automatically changing the shutter speed and aperture values. Exposure
value is the absolute
brightness of the image.
Metering is the process by which the camera
measures the brightness of the scene. There are a variety of user-selectable
metering methods that will make the camera choose different exposure values.
sensitivity, sometimes just called
"ISO," is a measure of how much light a sensor needs to produce a
given exposure. As ISO sensitivity rises (less light needed to produce a given
exposure), the signal-to-noise ratio drops, resulting in poorer photo quality.
However, higher ISO sensitivities also allow you to use faster shutter speeds
for a given amount of light.
What you can control
Auto without flash |
In this mode, the camera makes all the decisions. You literally
just point and shoot. Sounds great, right? Unfortunately, to guess the
appropriate settings the camera has to play the probabilities, which means in
many cases it will choose suboptimal settings for any particular scene. It
generally uses one, predetermined metering mode which isn't suitable for
uneven lighting, and reflexively raises the sensitivity setting to a level at
which you'll see noise or artifacts when it may not be necessary. Many
cameras now offer so-called "Intelligent" auto modes, which are
really just better-performing versions of this old standby.
Very few. But it
should be OK outdoors in daylight. Avoid it in low light, for action, or
backlit scenes; generally any time you don't have relatively stationary or
slow-moving subjects in good, even light.
Generally, no shooting
settings. Usually limited to basics like file size. Might let you set overall
brightness via exposure compensation.
Most point-and-shoot
cameras that have come out over the past couple of years now incorporate
improved auto modes that analyze the scene and decide which of a handful of
preset scene program modes best match the environment. They also will
frequently invoke features like face detection, to improve autofocus
accuracy, and automatic exposure adjustment algorithms (like Nikon's
D-Lighting and Canon's i-Contrast). These advanced auto modes almost always
deliver better results than traditional Auto. Some cameras also offer the
ability to adjust parameters like shutter speed and aperture with an "easy"
interface; for instance, it will present you with a continuum between still
and action, and as you slide along the continuum it increases the shutter
speed behind the scenes.
Good for when you're
in too much of a rush to select the correct mode yourself, or don't know
which mode applies. Most suitable when a shot falls easily into one of the
three or so basic scene types: people, landscapes, and object close-ups. Most
cameras can distinguish between day and night, and some between adults and
children or moving and stationary subjects.
Generally, no shooting
settings. Usually limited to basics like file size. Might let you set overall
brightness via exposure compensation.
Scene program
These are modes
preprogrammed with settings for common shooting situations. For example,
Portrait modes usually set the aperture as wide as possible (to throw the
background out of focus), turn on face-detection autofocus and keep the ISO
sensitivity as low as possible. Think of these as hinted automatic modes; by
telling the camera what the scene type is, you're reducing the probability of
the camera guessing incorrectly. Scene modes can be very useful, but tend to
be underutilized by snapshooters.
If you repeatedly take
the same type of photos, like indoor real-estate shots -- then choosing an
appropriate preset can be very helpful. Also, if you're consistently unhappy
with certain types of photos -- people, low light, winter or beach scenes,
and so on -- then this is your next step.
Generally, no shooting
settings. Usually limited to basics like file size and occasionally flash,
although for some modes you can't even change those.
While cameras are
increasingly providing a direct-access record button for shooting movies,
some still require that you enter a special mode in order to capture video.
The camera may have a Manual or Custom Movie mode in addition to or instead
of plain Movie.
Necessary for shooting
Custom/Manual usually
gives you control over the aperture, shutter speed, and/or ISO sensitivity
during video capture. The upside is that it keeps you from confusing still
settings with video settings; the downside is that it makes it a little
clunkier when jumping between stills and video.
Program mode is the
thinking person's auto: the camera chooses the most important settings for
you -- shutter speed and aperture -- and allows you to override all of the
other defaults.
Program is the most
general-purpose auto mode. It's better because you can set the ISO
sensitivity (so you can control noise), use exposure compensation (to control
overall scene brightness), and select metering (for difficult situations,
such as a backlit subject).
Everything except
shutter speed and aperture. Some cameras offer a Program shift mode, which
allows you to adjust shutter speed and aperture in lockstep (in other words,
change them while preserving the metering exposure value).
Shutter priority
In this mode, you set
the shutter speed and the camera automatically calculates the appropriate
aperture for a given exposure value.
When you need an
exceptionally fast or slow shutter speed; for instance, capturing fast
action, producing that "cottony" effect for running water, or
taking long exposures of the night sky.
Everything except
Aperture priority
In this mode, you set
the aperture and the camera automatically calculates the appropriate shutter
speed for a given exposure value.
When you want to
control how much of the background and foreground are in focus. This is
especially useful for portrait and macro photography, when you want the
subject in focus and the background blurred (wide apertures) or landscape and
architecture shots, when you want everything sharp (narrow aperture).
Everything except
shutter speed.
Here you can set
shutter speed and aperture independently, shifting the exposure value. The
camera usually tells you how far you are from the "correct"
exposure. If you're wary of operating in manual mode but have some time to
experiment, remember that you can use Program mode to see what the camera
thinks the appropriate settings would be, then plug those into manual mode as
a starting point.
When you want full
creative control.
Complete control.
A version of Manual
mode in which the shutter stays open as long as you hold down the button, for
very long exposures.
When you want full
creative control in the dark.
Complete control.
Typical scene modes
These are general
descriptions of the most common scene modes. Each manufacturer has its own
variations, and may adjust parameters like metering, contrast, brightness and
saturation as well. Furthermore, if the camera in question is a digital SLR,
the scene modes can't control where in the lens zoom range the focal length is
set or the state of the optical image stabilization.
The goal is usually to render the face(s) in focus against a
blurred background. Generally sets the camera to a medium telephoto focal
length with wide aperture (or simulated wide aperture). Recent models will
usually invoke face detection for optimal focus, exposure and skin tones, as
well as turn on flash and red-eye reduction. Watch out for portrait modes
that smooth skin and perform other feats of blurring and distortion.
Daylight or well-lit shots of people or animals standing still.
This mode usually attempts to freeze fast-moving subjects. To do
so, the camera will bump up the shutter speed as high as possible, which
frequently requires raising the ISO sensitivity as well, so you may see
increased image noise in this mode. More advanced models may also kick in
continuous-shooting and some sort of focus tracking algorithm to keep a lock
on the subject.
Daylight or well-lit sporting events, as well as kids and pets
in action.
This mode attempts to get as much of the scene in focus as
possible, and will occasionally boost saturation on greens, blues, and reds
to render photos that "pop." (Sometimes that's split off into a
separate Foliage mode.) To achieve this, the camera will generally set the
focal length to a relatively wide angle, the aperture fairly narrow, and the
focus to infinity.
Daylight nature or cityscapes.
Macro, aka close-up
This is like a portrait mode for small objects; it produces the
same effect of a sharp subject against a blurred background. To do so, it
zooms the lens to the point at which it has the closest focusing capability.
Occasionally, the camera can intelligently set the flash to prevent
completely blowing out the subject.
Photographing small subjects.
Night, aka Night landscape
This mode is designed for shooting photos in low light,
preserving detail in the dark areas without blowing out bright objects, like
streetlights, and to get as much of the scene in focus, as you would with a
landscape shot. The camera generally sets itself to a medium-to-high ISO
sensitivity, with a relatively slow shutter speed, and turns flash off. As
such, there'll be increased image noise and the possibility of camera shake.
Any night scene in which you don't have a central subject, like
a person, that needs to be brighter than the rest of the shot.
Night Portrait
This differs from a regular night mode to compensate for a
relatively close subject in the scene, such as a person or animal, that you
want to be exposed brightly enough to stand out. Newer cameras will turn on
face detection, and many cameras turn on the flash. Like Night mode, the
camera generally raises the ISO sensitivity and lowers the shutter speed, but
the overall shot is optimized for the subject.
Any night scene in which you have a central subject, like a
person, that needs to be brighter than the rest of the shot.
Less-common scene modes
Beauty modes, which algorithmically
retouch various skin tone and texture "problems" are the latest auto
trend. Yes, manufacturers tend
to add more scene modes in order to boast larger numbers in comparison charts,
but modes like these tend to be chosen because they handle a scene that's an
exception to the rules of an existing scene mode.
This mode is a variation of Night Portrait, but usually without
flash in order to preserve the ambiance of the light.
Any night or low-light scene in which you have a central
subject, like a person, illuminated by an attractive, nonglobal light source,
such as candles, lava lamps, stage lighting, and so on.
A variation of Night Landscape, this mode assumes slightly more
available light -- allowing for a lower ISO sensitivity and faster shutter
speed -- plus bumps up the saturation.
For dawn or dusk shots where you want to emphasize the colors in
the landscape, including bright foliage.
This probably combines Macro and Night Portrait-type settings,
sometimes accompanied by a boost in saturation to make the food look more
In addition to food, you can try it for many indoor close-ups.
Documents, aka Text
This is typically a black-and-white mode with extra contrast and
sharpness applied, optimized for readability. Some variations on this mode
also include some lens-distortion correction.
Anything you might otherwise have scanned or photocopied, like
business cards and book pages, as well as signs with information you want to
remember, like phone numbers.
A mode that shoots photos intended to be combined into a single,
very wide photo. It doesn't necessarily apply special settings, but at minimum
usually has helper guidelines for you to align sequential shots to make it
easier to stitch the photos together.
In addition to the traditional broad landscape or cityscape, try
Panorama if your lens isn't wide-angle enough to capture the entire scene as
you want it.
This is a variation of Night Landscape, but with a slower
shutter speed to catch the trails of the fireworks. The camera might invoke
image stabilization here.
Good when you're trying to get trails of moving lights in the
dark, like a carnival ride at night.
Beach and Snow
Because a camera's automatic exposure is based on an average
scene brightness, all-white shots will tend to look gray and low contrast. To
compensate, you should always slightly overexpose them. This scene mode does
that automatically. If it's a Snow-only mode, then it might also adjust the
white balance to compensate for the fact that reflected snow looks bluish
rather than white.
For any scene with a lot of white or light colors in it.
Because a camera's automatic exposure is based on an average
scene brightness, shots with a light source behind the subject will think
there's more light than there is and produce a too-dark shot. This mode
compensates for that, sometimes by turning on the flash.
Any shot where there's a lot of ambient light but the subject is
in shadow.
This mode is optimized for indoor shooting without flash. The
camera will likely set to a moderate ISO sensitivity and relatively slow
shutter speed; it might turn on image stabilization
Good for any low-light photographs in which you don't want the
harsh light of the flash.
Unless the camera has dual lenses, this mode combines offset
shots to produce a 3D effect when viewed with the appropriate hardware and/or
Right now, it's still in the gimmicky stage. 3D effect is best
achieved in scenes where the subject is significantly in front of the
background and the lens is set to a moderately wide angle.
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