Sunday, April 5, 2015

How to Stop Useless Emails on Your Yahoo Account

Many people have asked us as to how we can block certain email addresses from sending us spurious emails on Yahoo. In today’s world anyone with a system and an internet connection can be  a dangerous entity. Here is how you can stop people/companies from sending you useless emails.

1. Log into your yahoo Account.
2. Go to the Top most right hand corner, as shown in figure below...

3. Click on Settings, and then on Blocked Addresses, as shown below...

4. Now type in the email address that is sending you these emails, and click on Block button, and then the save button, The job is done. In my case, I have put a dummy email like,

The best part the email address owner which you just blocked shall never receive any notifications that you blocked the email address. You will also not see the email sent by such entity anymore.Stay Safe and enjoy.

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