Tuesday, April 7, 2015


 How many times have your smart phone failed to recognize you when you try to use face unlock system??

University of York researchers have found that face recognition security can be significantly improved if users store an average photo of themselves.

Research group led by dr.david Robertson, of department of psychology’s facevar laboratory at York found that combining several images to create an average leads to greater recognition rate across a range of daily settings.

The researchers examined the performance of the 'face unlock' system on Samsung Galaxy smart phones.

They chose to study the Samsung Galaxy because it is a very popular phone which comes with working face recognition technology,"

Researchers found that while the system was usually consistent in rejecting impostors, it often failed to recognize the actual smartphone owner.

However, when researchers morphed several different photos of the user to create an ‘average’, the performance of the facial recognition feature’ significantly improved, often to perfect levels

The researchers’ technique is based on studies of human face recognition in which the brain forms abstract representations of the faces it recognizes, as well as the fact that humans are typically able to recognize their family and friends under various conditions.

"We expect this technique to work across a wide range of 

phones and other automated recognition devices. It is very 

interesting that performance can be so much improved by 

copying a simple trick performed by the brain.

 so to conclude using an average image of yours is the best 

way to improve the face recognition security system of 

your smartphone.

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